On June 11, I will be participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Here's what it's all about:
What is the Relay for Life?Teams of people will be camping out at a local high school and will be taking turns walking around the track. At least one member of the team will be walking at all times. This will be an overnight event and can last up to 24 hours.
Why Relay?This event allows people to raise awareness about cancer, remember loved ones lost to cancer, and celebrate those that have battled cancer. The event also raises money for the American Cancer Society.
Who Can Participate?Anyone! You can join an existing team or start one of your own by visiting
relayforlife.org. Each participant must pay a registration fee of $10 which goes directly to the American Cancer Society. Participants are then encouraged (but not required) to gather donations from friends, family members, local businesses, etc. All donations go to the American Cancer Society.
I will be joining my mom's team. She recently lost two very close friends to cancer and she and her friends started a team in their memory. If you also have been affected by cancer I encourage you to check out relayforlife.org and search for an event in your area.
Donations can also be made to our team by clicking here: